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The Benefits of New Technologies for Older People

Assisted living facilitates older people, or those with disabilities, to live safely and as independently as possible. An aging population has lead to advancements in healthcare including the implementation and design of new technologies to assist older people to live full lives.

Voice Controlled Personal Assistant

Voice Controlled Personal Assistants or Voice Controlled Intelligent Assistants (VIPAs) are artificial intelligence powered computer systems or algorithms designed to simulate humans. They usually make use of a hands-free interface and can be used within healthcare to monitor health, educate and assist with communication. Some new technologies are even being used to assist with health consultations, provide diagnostic support and, importantly, assist elderly people with their daily routines.

Mobile Apps for Health and Wellness

There are many health apps on the market that track daily activity, monitor vitals, provide educational information and help users connect with others. Such apps have now been developed with older people in mind, taking into account the usability and relevance of the app. These apps can help older people to find social connections, financial independence, healthcare and increase their longevity and well-being.

Virtual Reality for Seniors

Though virtual reality has many uses it is becoming clear that it has specific benefits for older people. Virtual reality can reduce social isolation, improve mental health and aid physical rehabilitation, as well as improving motor and cognitive skills and memory.

Augmented Reality for Seniors

Augmented reality is a technology that blends digital content with the real world; manipulating aspects of your surroundings. This technology could be beneficial to older people in many ways, for example, adding text or graphics to their surroundings may help with communication, everyday tasks, navigation and memory.

3D Printing for Seniors

3D printing has many practical applications in many different areas of manufacturing. For older people, 3D printing enables custom prosthetics and dentures, personalised medication and even soft foods to replace current purees.

Wearable Health Monitors

Wearable health monitors are on the rise and becoming the norm for a lot of people. The usual features such as tracking of physical activity, heart rate, monitoring sleep patterns and stress levels are beneficial to anyone, including seniors. Some brands of health monitors include features with older people in mind; fall detection, a GPS enabled emergency button and an urgent response button are among these features, which, along with the usual features, can keep older people safe to live independently.

Telehealth for Seniors

Telehealth, or telemedicine, allows for remote health consultations between patient and health care provider. These consultations usually take place via video calls online. Telehealth allows for remote monitoring and secure messaging with added convenience and accessibility for older patients.

Digital Caretakers

Digital caretakers are virtual assistants that can assist with daily tasks such as providing reminders for medication, appointments, meals, support, answering questions or concerns. For older people this can mean increased engagement, connections with loved ones and a sense of security and peace of mind.

GPS Location Tracking for Seniors

Similar to wearable health monitors, wearable GPS location tracking devices can provide peace of mind for caregivers, especially if elderly loved ones tend to get lost easily.

Blockchain for Seniors

Blockchain is a distributed database that allows for the secure, transparent, and tamper-proof recording of transactions. This can help senior living providers to manage finances, healthcare data and resident interactions. Blockchain allows for better decision making, reduced costs, and creates more transparency between residents, staff and family members.


About Sidqam

We're a UK based company that enable healthcare organisations to meet the digital agenda by addressing existing gaps in their services.